Crafting a staggering website for the Association of International Schools in Europe

AIS Europe is a consortium of International schools across Europe and they wanted a user-friendly website to publish their activities and goals.


The website will be engaged by a set of stakeholders who differ in ethnicity, culture, age and profession. AIS Europe’s website will be a common touch point for the school managements, parents, students, sponsors, trainers and many more. Creating a digital space that will please all the stakeholders and at the same time perform to the fullest was the challenge to take up for Intellyze.


AIS Europe had a well defined identity which was crafted by the branding team of Intellyze. Blue color theme was brought up as the primary color aligning to the brand guidelines. The plan was made to make the website as simple as possible giving no scope of confusion in terms of navigation and finding the information. The backend should also be friendly for its users.

Delivering on the Promise

The outcome was an amazing website that made the client smile and the effectiveness of the execution was well recognised. Intellyze assisted with the complete development, designs and functionality to make the experience memorable.

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